4 questions à se poser avant d’acheter un vêtement

4 questions to ask yourself before buying a garment

With the small festive gatherings approaching, there will be many dress up opportunities. Just like the desire to buy a dress in a hurry for a dinner “because we have nothing to wear”. [...]"
7 trucs pour maîtriser l’art du layering cet hiver

7 tips to master the art of layering this winter

"This belief has reigned for far too long: in winter, either you look stylish and you're cold or you look 'mean' and you're hot. Both options are not very attractive. [...]"
4 astuces pour avoir du style sans délaisser notre confort

4 tips to have style without neglecting our comfort

“We are certainly not the first to tell you: the pandemic will have drastically changed the way we dress. it's normal that comfort and simplicity took precedence [...]"
Réouverture de la boutique Marigold: comment magasiner en toute sécurité

Marigold Boutique Reopening: How to Shop Safely

"Marilyne Baril does not hesitate for a second when I ask her what she has missed the most in the last two months: "People", she confides. On March 23, like all the other businesses deemed non- essentials, Marigold had to close its shop in Verdun until further notice [...]"

3 trucs pour avoir une relation saine avec les médias sociaux

3 tips for having a healthy relationship with social media

"Assuming that you are one of the 3 billion people on the planet who use social media, let me ask you a very simple question: do you have a good relationship with them? [...]"
3 raisons de dire adieu au fast fashion

3 reasons to say goodbye to fast fashion

"Hi, it's me, Joëlle, the party breaker. It's time to be honest with you. To tell yourself the real things. The statistics you are about to read are not cool to hear, but they are necessary, believe me. We are on the other side of my list. [...]"

Adopter la garde-robe capsule : tout ce qu’il faut savoir

Adopting the capsule wardrobe: everything you need to know

If you're a Netflix subscriber and a resident of planet earth, you've most definitely heard of Marie Kondo, the queen of the household. Broadly speaking, his approach is to .[...] unclutter our daily lives and our minds. In the wake of this minimalist movement (we all have a friend who adopted the Kondo method and who talks to us about it constantly since), it made me want to revisit the famous wardrobe capsule ..[...]
10 podcasts que toutes les #GirlBoss devraient écouter

10 podcasts every #GirlBoss should listen to

Podcasts are like that little jar of blueberry jam at the bottom of my fridge that I bought eight months ago in Charlevoix. Nine times out of ten I forget it exists, but THE time I remember it exists and put it on my toast, I'm like "It's so good, why don't I eat it. more often?". It's the same with podcasts. (Nice analogy, I know.) [...]
January 15, 2019 — Bélé Collaborator
Tags: Par joelle

3 girls suggest books to inspire you for the new year

Oh, the Holidays! It's so cool for so many reasons. 1) We spend time with those we love (whether it's your family or your cat) 2) We eat turkey and sandwiches not crusts and we hydrate with eggnog 3) We have it. ..
Trouver son style personnel en 7 étapes

Find your personal style in 7 steps

“How would you describe your style? “, a question that I have often been asked and to which I always answer: eclectic. I'm as comfortable in baggy jeans with sneakers as in a dress with a big vintage fur coat and high heels...
Les petites marques locales vs les grandes chaînes : pourquoi coûtent-elles plus cher ?

Small local brands vs big chains: why do they cost more?

It always makes me laugh when I hear people say they don't buy local designer clothes because “it costs too much”. The most expensive dress right now at Topshop in Montreal is $270. The most expensive on the Marigold site? $229.
5 ans de Marigold : 5 femmes qui nous inspirent

5 years of Marigold: 5 women who inspire us

Yes, Marigold is already blowing out its five candles! And because five years is a big celebration, Marilyne and I surveyed five completely different women, but who all share one thing in common: they are incredibly inspiring.

September 06, 2018 — Marilyne Baril