Oh, the Holidays! It's so cool for so many reasons. 1) We spend time with those we love (whether it's your family or your cat) 2) We eat turkey and sandwiches, no crusts and we hydrate with eggnog 3) We have the right to listen to WHAM! on a loop without being judged 4) We can put on our new Marigold pajamas and Netflix binge watcher, without worrying about the idea of ​​dozens of messages piling up in our mailbox. This is one of the great advantages of the Holidays: the earth stops turning a bit for everyone.

With all this time and mental space, what do we do? Aside from snowshoeing and munching on cocktail sausages, now is a great time to dive into a self-help book and do some brain cleaning. We're so busy the rest of the year that this week off is like a mandatory break that lends itself perfectly to reflection. In this spirit of renewal and taking time for oneself, I asked three girls, whom I love as much for their authenticity as for their resilience and strength of character, to share with me their favorite book when it comes time to s 'Inspire.

A little trick: to multiply the psychological and physical benefits of your reading, take a look at the new limited edition loungewear collection from Marigold. It's soft, it's beautiful, it's cozy. Like the holidays. Now where's my eggnog?

Juliette Bélanger, photographer, content creator and criminology student


Book : High Vibrational Beauty: Recipes & Rituals for a Radical Self Care by Kerrilynn Pamer and Cindy Diprima, founders of Cap Beauty

What made you want to read it in the first place?
Honestly, they say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but in this case, it was really the aesthetics of the book itself that caught my attention. It was by leafing through it on the spot that I understood that it was a book that offered various recipes and rituals for taking care of yourself and I immediately felt challenged.

Why did you like it ? 
First, the book is divided into four parts, one for each season. Thus, the beauty rituals and recipes offered are specially designed for the season it deals with (remedies for dry skin in winter, masks for oilier skin in summer, recipes inspired by seasonal fruits and vegetables, etc. .). I think I was attracted by the global and inclusive approach with which the authors deal with the concept of selfcare. Throughout each section, they talk not only about healthy and diversified food, but also about skin care, hair and various body care routines (baths, for example), all based on essential oils and of natural products. They also deal with more personal aspects such as meditation, organization (the famous spring cleaning or gratitude journals), the different energies on which to focus and a few words on the right approach to adopt each season. Without falling into esotericism, the book takes a general look at the rituals that do us good and reconnect us with ourselves, from season to season.

Who do you recommend it to?
To all those who want to discover recipes and beverages that offer an alternative to what we are used to consuming. Also, the book is for those who want to take time for themselves, regardless of the means. I would say that it is a book in which I often dive back, simply as a reminder, and I always come out of it a little more enthusiastic and inspired for my next little care ritual!

Anik Lacasse, designer and community manager

Book: Unlearn: 101 Simple Truths for a Better Life by Humble The Poet

What made you want to read it in the first place?
We won't hide it, life isn't always rosy and one day, I came to a dead end. I questioned myself a lot, caught in the past, in my head. I was trying to figure out why all of this was happening to me. I read several self-help and self-love books (hello Rupi Kaur and Atticus!), inspiring texts, and I received this collection written by a Canadian teacher-poet whom I really liked.

Why did you like it ?
Because it explains in a very simple, very direct way, facts and truths about life: love, happiness, daily stresses, the relationship with others and with oneself. It exposes what can bring us down and explains how these situations should make us feel stronger. He puts things in perspective and makes people think and react with a touch of humour.

Who do you recommend it to?
It's a book that does you good and simplifies these little questions you may have about yourself and your actions. I believe anyone can read it, whether it's a few more engaging chapters or the whole book, and come out inspired and with a more positive outlook on life and its many complexities.

Rosalie Champagne, founder, partner and ideator at La Grosse Business

Book: Risk & Resilience by Lisa Messenger

What made you want to read it in the first place?
I was a big fan of the fire magazine Collective Hub, an Australian monthly aimed at entrepreneurs, "makers", those who dare to think or do otherwise. I really liked the inspiring, raw and authentic tone. That's how I discovered Lisa Messenger, the entrepreneur behind this magazine and the author of several books. I have read some of her publications because she paints a portrait of entrepreneurship that speaks to me a lot; it's a portrait that goes against the #entrepreneur movement on Instagram. His portrayal is true, sometimes jarring and hard to read, but it feels good. She is not afraid to shout aloud what entrepreneurs cry quietly.

Why did you like it ?
The author made me think about this strength that is vulnerability. In her book, she talks about the importance of questioning yourself, challenging yourself, surrounding yourself with the right people, refusing offers, even if it may seem "ballsy", and doing business with your heart. I also liked the parallel between the growth (or the decline!) of his business and his personal growth. But what inspired me above all were the many conversations that cited the successes and failures of other Australian entrepreneurs.

Who do you recommend it to?
To entrepreneurs, to ideators, to dreamers.

By Joëlle Paquette for MARIGOLD

Photo credit Juliette: Nicolas Blais

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