Marilyne - Son histoire


After eight years in business, Marilyne tells us her story in a video shot in her Atelier-Boutique on rue Wellington in Verdun.
4 questions à se poser avant d’acheter un vêtement

4 questions to ask yourself before buying a garment

With the small festive gatherings approaching, there will be many dress up opportunities. Just like the desire to buy a dress in a hurry for a dinner “because we have nothing to wear”. [...]"
7 trucs pour maîtriser l’art du layering cet hiver

7 tips to master the art of layering this winter

"This belief has reigned for far too long: in winter, either you look stylish and you're cold or you look 'mean' and you're hot. Both options are not very attractive. [...]"
Nos tissus éco-responsables

Our eco-responsible fabrics

Consuming better is MARIGOLD's first objective, that is to say changing our fashion habits to improve our daily lives but above all the future of our planet. [...]