Nos tissus éco-responsables

Our eco-responsible fabrics

Consuming better is MARIGOLD's first objective, that is to say changing our fashion habits to improve our daily lives but above all the future of our planet. [...]
Réouverture de la boutique Marigold: comment magasiner en toute sécurité

Marigold Boutique Reopening: How to Shop Safely

"Marilyne Baril does not hesitate for a second when I ask her what she has missed the most in the last two months: "People", she confides. On March 23, like all the other businesses deemed non- essentials, Marigold had to close its shop in Verdun until further notice [...]"

Bientôt  2 ans pour Fanny chez Marigold !

Almost 2 years for Fanny at Marigold!

Next October, we will celebrate Fanny's 2nd birthday at Marigold! Discover her background and her motivations for working alongside Marilyne.

Nos kits pour la fête des mères

Our kits for Mother's Day

“On May 10, we will celebrate our mothers, our grandmothers, our wives; ultimately all the extraordinary women of this world. On this occasion, we offer you some gift kit ideas in this article. [...]"
Entrevue avec Marilyne maintenant "mamentrepreneur"

Interview with Marilyne now "mamentrepreneur"

"In this article, the designer of MARIGOLD shares her experience to date as a “momentrepreneur”. One baby does not wait for the other for Marilyne who at the end of 2019 opened her first boutique-workshop and gave birth to little Oscar at the beginning of 2020, on March 27 to be exact. [...]"
Nos looks d'été 100% québécois

Our 100% Quebec summer looks

"At Marigold we believe that, just like the sun, pretty clothes contribute to a good mood. With this in mind, we are very happy to present you some key pieces from the new summer collection[...]"

Grande ouverture de notre boutique-atelier

Grand opening of our boutique-workshop

" MARIGOLD is blooming! After 6 years of existence, we are pleased to announce the opening of our first MARIGOLD boutique-workshop. Located in the Verdun district (Montreal), at 4841 Rue Wellington [...]"

MARIGOLD dans le journal international Epoch Times

MARIGOLD in the international newspaper Epoch Times

"We had the pleasure of speaking with Aurore, a journalist for the Epoch Times, to discuss local fashion and the environment. Following our exchange, Aurore wrote an article in Chinese [...]"
Marigold x Rosalie Vaillancourt dans

Marigold x Rosalie Vaillancourt in

Iris Gagnon-Paradis, journalist for, tells how our collaboration with Rosalie Vaillancourt was born.

Marigold vous invite à célébrer l'été !

Marigold invites you to celebrate summer!

To celebrate the start of summer, we are pleased to invite you on Thursday May 30 from 5 p.m. at the Lowell boutique! This is an opportunity to get together around a cocktail in a sunny beachside atmosphere [...]

Idées mode et tendances : comment porter notre chemise Nela ?

Fashion ideas and trends: how to wear our Nela shirt?

Lacking inspiration? With the beautiful days coming, think about renewing your wardrobe! Get one of our key pieces from our SS19 collection: our Nela shirt, light and comfortable, with a multicolored [...]

Notre 1er don au Book Humanitaire grâce à vous !

Our 1st donation to the Humanitarian Book thanks to you!

For its new 2019 summer collection, Marigold has partnered with Book Humanitaire by committing to donating $1 per item of clothing sold. Le Book Humanitaire is a non-profit foundation that helps people in need [...]