Hi! Let me introduce myself: Joëlle Paquette, founder of the blog Very Joëlle, journalist and inveterate lover of corgis. From today and throughout the coming year (yé!), I will sign a monthly text on the Marigold site. I'm going to talk about entrepreneurship, creativity, well-being, feminism and all those subjects that affect the wonderful women that you are. You are ready? Because I YES.

If there is a subject that is abstract, it is success. Its definition varies systematically according to the person who gives it to you. For some it's all about recognition and for others it's about creative empowerment. In other cases, it's the money or the "likes" on Instagram. Me? It's being able to afford a mozzarella di bufala with a good bottle of wine on a Thursday evening (semi joke).

I decided to investigate the subject by surveying three entrepreneurs from here, at the head of well-established companies, and asking them ZE question: what is success, huh?

Tamara Bavdek, founder of This Ilk

Tamara Bavdek

When you were a teenager, what was your definition of success?

I have always valued ideas and human recognition &mdash being respected, even admired, for what you do. It was never about power or money.

How has your vision of success evolved since you launched your company?

In the beginning, you are young and your dreams are limitless. I didn't want to become the next Jean Paul Gaultier, but almost! The possibilities were endless. I had great recognition from the community: I almost had a jewel in L'Officiel Paris for their 75th anniversary and I won a booth at the Who's Next show. I was zero equipped for it, but I ended up learning on the job.

Over time, I calmed down and recognized that I couldn't supply the whole world. Being a superstar was no longer my goal. Ultimately, it's more like me to be as I am today. I'm not someone who wants to flash. I like it being a bit underground.

I have also found a form of stability that makes me feel good, even though I know that as an entrepreneur, stability is never desirable. You're supposed to be constantly growing, but for me, it allows me to breathe. It's important to me to have space to do other things, like travelling, surfing, animals, socializing, etc.

What gives you a sense of achievement?

When you respect yourself and stay authentic, that's the richest form of success in my opinion.

How many times have I told myself that I was capable of making jewelry that would sell in industrial quantities, but that I didn't do it because the idea didn't inspire me. I must have the impression of inventing something. I don't understand how people can imitate stuff that already exists and be proud of it. This is nonsense to me. I understand that there are people who are strictly entrepreneurial and exclusively looking for profitability, but I am a creative first and foremost. I need to be proud of my product and my process.

Marilyne Baril, founder of Marigold

Marilyn Barrel

What was your vision of success when you launched your company and how has it evolved since then?

My goal has always been to respect my values ​​and to offer a local product. At first, I wanted to have a big team and sell across Canada. I wanted to run a business that could run on its own while I was away on my travels for inspiration.

Today it has undergone some adjustments. When I started, everyone told me it would take me five years to be profitable. I thought I was going to do this in two years. Finally, it is indeed five years! I learned to be humble about all that: I'm always learning and, for me, that's success.

Do you consider success to be a process or more of an end result?

In my case, it's not "I made it", it's more like "I make it" on a daily basis, when I'm proud of myself at the end of the day.

When I worked for a big fashion company, I said to myself “ yes , my day is over”. My bi-weekly pay was the only tangible aspect of my job. Today is different. I'm satisfied because I accomplish a lot of things every day. It's more quantifiable in my opinion.

Success is often assessed professionally, but rarely from a personal perspective. How do you perceive this balance?

My ex and I broke up when I started my business; he didn't want to accompany me on this adventure. So the first years, I was really proud. Success was having my big business, taking care of my business and running it all on my own.

To be honest, the incentive was more monetary at first, but now I just want to be good. I know I won't become a millionaire with this. If I can continue to travel and eventually have a family, that will be my success.

Raphaëlle Bonin, founder of Station Service

Raphaëlle Bonin

When you were a teenager, what was your definition of success?

I didn't know what I wanted to do in life. All I knew was that I wanted to make a living from my passion. For me, successful people were those who did something they loved. My motivation has never been monetary gain. Fortunately or unfortunately, I'm not a money girl. I want to do something other people won't do, be different.

How has your vision of success evolved since you launched your company?

It makes me feel funny to be interviewed for this article, because I don't feel like I've succeeded 100%. There is still so much work to do! Seems like I'd be a bit stubborn to say that I've already achieved success: I still have a lot to learn and plenty of mistakes to make.

Success is made up of defeats and successes. Station Service is a young success. I take one step at a time. I always think about the next goal to achieve. Until recently, it was the shop. In fact, it's the adventure of getting there that really thrills me. Success is in the process.

*In pop-up format, Marigold is taking over part of the Station Service boutique with its F/W 18 collection until the end of October. Go for a walk, it's beautiful beautiful beautiful ;)

You are very proactive in achieving some professional success. How do you manage your personal successes?

Before the store opened, I went on a yoga retreat for three days. It allowed me to take time for myself and to realize that, since the beginning of Station Service, I really lost sight of myself. I am so monopolized by the company that I no longer know what my personal goals are. Balance with my boyfriend, my friends and my family is so important. But it's like I've accepted that my life is going to be like this for now; my business is my priority. I often talk about it with my mentor and it's every entrepreneur's problem.

By Joëlle Paquette for MARIGOLD

Photo Tamara Bavdek: Photo credit Gaëlle Leroyer

Photo Marilyne Baril: Photo credit Anne Ladouar

Photo Raphaëlle Bonin: Photo credit Gabrielle Valevicius

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